Fun and new: the Elemental Assassin's Series

Spider's Bite - Jennifer Estep

"My name is Gin, and I kill people."


Well, isn't that a wonderful way of getting your reader's attention? I mean seriously. 


So what if Gin was in an asylum at the time she said it? She meant every word of it. Gin's an assassin known as The Spider because her rune is in the shape of a spider-- a creature that means patience and Gin is probably one of the most patient characters-- and deadliest-- that I've ever come across in a book.


As a main character, Gin is so awesomely self-sufficient and independent. It's really hard to come across a strong character-- a strong female character that's not a Bella Swan-esque ditz and totally dependent on a man for everything. 


For anyone who'd love to bury Bella Swan with a few stakes in her heart because of how annoying she is, this book is for you. Too bad I'd never be able to afford Gin Blanco to take out the Bella Swan's from the literary world. =( But that's life, I guess. 


I would, however, like to know more about the runes that Estep is talking about.